Vastu Shastra Tips for Your Home.

Vastu Shastra, commonly known as Vastu, is a traditional Hindu system of architecture which literally translates to “science of architecture.”. In order to ensure well-being, happiness and prosperity of all the residents, it is important for a house to be built as per guidelines laid down by the Vastu Shastra. The designs are intended to integrate architecture with nature, the relative functions of various parts of the structure, and ancient beliefs utilizing geometric patterns (yantra), symmetry and directional alignments.

Vastu Shastra are the textual part of Vastu Vidya, the latter being the broader knowledge about architecture and design theories from ancient India. The Sanskrit word vastu means a dwelling or house with a corresponding plot of land. The vrddhi, vāstu, takes the meaning of “the site or foundation of a house, site, ground, building or dwelling-place, habitation, homestead, house”. The underlying root is vas “to dwell, live, stay, reside”. The term shastra may loosely be translated as “doctrine, teaching”.

Vastu Shastra Tips –

⦁ Pre-construction Stage –

It is recommended that one performs a Bhumi Pooja (worshiping the earth) before starting the house construction. This is considered an auspicious beginning and heralds a good start to the proceedings.

⦁ Home entrance or Entry –

East is the most auspicious direction for the entrance of a home. This is because the sun rises in the east and is said to bring in positive energy and light into the household. The other acceptable direction that the house entrance can face is towards the North East.

⦁ Kitchen –

The South-East corner of the house is the most ideal one for the kitchen’s location and cooking supposedly should be done while facing the East. However, please bear in mind that the kitchen should not be located directly in front of the main door of the house.

⦁ Master Bedroom –

The Master Bedroom should be located at the South West corner of an East-facing home. From our perspective, if you follow (2) and (3), you will ensure that you can sleep soundly without having to let the aroma or the noise accompanying the cooking to wake you up. Square and rectangular shaped bedrooms are recommended, so that you can leave the avant-garde construction to the other sections of the house.

⦁ Pooja Room –

Pooja Room should be in the Ishanya (North-East) direction of the house and if it is not possible as per new apartment concept the North direction is also acceptable for positive waves for putting Pooja room. Pooja room should never be under the staircase.

⦁ Toilet –

The toilet location is another vital aspect, both from the perspective of Vaastu as well as from a general health and aesthetics angle. Toilets are to be located in the North-West corner of the building or the North-West corner of the rooms. If this is not possible, South East toilets are allowed. It is also recommended (and sensible, in our opinion, we might add), that the toilets, kitchen and Pooja room in the house should not be adjacent to each other.

We at Floorrise give a best fit projects in and around pune, so please if you have any information required, please feel free to get in touch with us.

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